Did somebody say Neo Nazis? I despise Neo Nazis.
The death shall be slow, yes. Plentiful pain shall abound when I'm around.
Broken bones, the clavicle for example.
They have their fingernails...for the moment.
They shall be kept alive long enough for me to feed them several of my very own well-cultivated tonsil stones.
This is the fate that awaits all Neo Nazis and white supremacists, the people who were taught by their equally idiotic and gullible parents to abuse their fellow humans because of their skin colors.
Now you might call me a liberal, a democrat, a snowflake, but the truth is...I belong to no political faction, and this message is to the scum, the world is a pond and it's people are the fish...but you...the hateful, the greedy, the contemptible white supremacist, KKK are the worthless scum that sits atop that pond, and I? I am the great purifier and I will thoroughly purge my pond and contentedly throw you into the incinerator just for the hell of it. So leave my people alone, because I'm coming for you.